So we created beautiful and serene addiction recovery centers in a retreat like settings with luxury amenities to support a relaxed and supportive environment while our experienced clinical team creates an effective addiction recovery  treatment plan unique to the needs of each person.

Sometimes addiction escalates to a place where an individual needs to remove themselves from the environment where have become  stuck in a loop of chronic abuse of substances. Maybe you can no longer stop on your own and you need help to stop the cycle. Most people who enter our residential addiction treatment settings will need medically supervised detox and then will remain in our  residential setting to receive 24 hour supervised addiction treatment where a foundation for early recovery is built. Most people need 1-3 months in this setting before they are ready to move on to the next level of addiction recovery. Which is generally intensive outpatient care  

What happens in 1-3 months during inpatient residential addiction treatment? 

Although it can feel overwhelming to commit to this level of care for 1-3 months, the outcome can be life changing. Most people do not find the level of transformation they need to maintain long term sobriety with just 30 days of treatment.  For most people the level of damage done with years or decades of substance abuse is profound. Most people are suffering with deep depression, overwhelming anxiety, PTSD from abusive relationships, grief from loss and untreated mental health disorders can all be at the core root of the addictive cycle issue.  Families are hurt and may be totally unaware how their behaviors are affecting their addicted loved one. everyone is suffering.  The body and brain need time to heal. The spirit and sense of self worth need time heal. Families need guidance on how to support their loved ones in early recovery. Broken bodies, broken brains and broken families  need to realistically prepare for 6-12 weeks minimum in residential care in order to really experience the healing they need. For most people anything less than this usually  experience the chronic cycle of short periods of sobriety followed by chronic relapse cycles. further eroding the sense of hopelessness within the addicted loved one and their families. 

Addiction is a disease that millions of people and their families  struggle with every day. Some are able to get the treatment they need and recover to lead normal lives free of drugs and alcohol. Others often try and fail to get free of the cycle of addiction. The secret to long-term recovery is getting the right type of treatment and support for your unique addiction. No two cases are alike, meaning that sometimes different solutions will be more effective than others for different people. There are many tools in our  addiction recovery toolbox.

What is Residential Rehab Treatment?

A residential treatment program is a type of rehab where the person with an addiction comes to a facility and lives there for a time while receiving treatment. They are typically not allowed to leave the facility while receiving treatment, and their progress and activities are monitored by staff. 

Residential rehab provides a more personalized approach to rehab for patients that may have struggled to get sober in the past. While staying at the facility, they undergo many of the same types of treatments as non-residential programs, but in a more controlled environment. The residential facilities are designed in such a way as to remove stress and promote calm and relaxation so that the person doesn’t have outside stresses and triggers that might cause them to want to use drugs or alcohol again. 

Length of stay can vary based on need, but the typical length of a residential treatment plan averages between 30 and 90 days from start to finish. During this time, clients undergo detox and withdrawal treatment, an evaluation of their addiction, and a treatment program that includes counseling and therapies selected based on their individual needs. The goal is to get the person free of the substance they were addicted to and help them develop strong coping skills that don’t rely on drugs and alcohol while working to overcome the root cause of the addiction. 

If you have a loved one who is struggling with addiction, contact us today at Pathways and find out how our addiction  treatment program can help.

We have huge hearts! We believe in you and encourage and support you during addiction treatment.

Inpatient vs. Outpatient: Which is Right For Me?

Compliance and Crisis Response

Both inpatient and outpatient rehab programs have various benefits for different situations. That’s why it is essential to pick the one that is best suited to your unique situation. Outpatient rehab focuses on providing counseling and therapy while allowing the client to leave and go about their day-to-day life. This option is best suited for those who have their addiction somewhat under control and need some additional help and support while they continue their recovery.

Commodity Risk Management

Clients undergoing outpatient rehab often have outside responsibilities such as work, school, or children and need the freedom to leave to manage these responsibilities. This option for treatment is usually suited best for those that have not had multiple attempts at rehab or struggled with relapse issues.

Credit Risk Management

Inpatient rehab, by contrast, is a more focused and controlled approach to rehab that is ideal for those that need that extra bit of attention. In some cases, a residential stay is best because a person is facing outside stressors and triggers that may lead them to continue to use drugs and alcohol. Therefore a residential stay is a break from that pattern of behavior that they can use to focus solely on their recovery. In other cases, residential inpatient rehab is the best choice for those that have severe addiction issues or who have struggled with relapse and recovery and need the support and accountability that only a residential stay can provide. Inpatient rehab also offers more privacy for those that are concerned about the outside world seeing their struggle with addiction.

Operational Risk Management

To figure out which option is right for you, you should consider your addiction history and your personal needs and responsibilities and choose the option that meets them the best in your current situation. Whether searching for residential rehab treatment or an outpatient rehab treatment center in Sacramento, Pathways Recovery can help.

Expected loss reduction

When you decide to find a residential rehab center to get the treatment you need, you should look for a facility that offers personalized attention. No two addictions are the same, and so no two treatment plans should be the same. It takes a unique and comprehensive approach to break the cycle of addiction and put someone on the path to recovery. 

Inpatient rehab is all about learning how to deal with stress, emotions, and triggers without resorting to using drugs or alcohol.


You should look for a residential rehab center that provides a stress-free environment where the focus is on addiction treatment and addiction treatment only, and you’ll want a staff that knows how to deal with addiction, both the successes and the setbacks. 

You’ll want to look for a rehab center that will teach you how to cope but will also hold you accountable for your actions so that you can maintain your sobriety. 

Automotive industry

If you come to Pathways, you will find a place where addiction treatment is our primary focus, and getting clients on the road to recovery is our mission. We treat each client like an individual, not a number, and develop treatment plans targeting your specific needs. 

If you or a loved one are suffering from an addiction, contact Pathways and begin your recovery journey today.

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